

受学校国际化资金资助,应5822yh银河国际吴健教授和机电工程学院任玉坤副教授邀请,西班牙塞维利亚大学电子与电磁系Antonio Ramos教授和Alberto  T. Pérez教授将于2018415日至422日对公司进行访问,访问期间将讲授“与国际高水平学者共建研究生课程”《电流体动力学基础及应用》,并举行学术报告交流,欢迎感兴趣的师生参加。

报告时间:2018417日,830  - 10:00

报告题目:Review  of AC electrokinetics of conducting particles


主要内容:  This presentation reviews both theory and experimental observation of the AC  electrokinetic properties of conducting microparticles suspended in an aqueous  electrolyte. Applied AC electric fields interact with the induced charge in the  electrical double layer at the metal particle–electrolyte interface. In general,  particle motion is governed by both the electric field interacting with the  induced dipole on the particle and also the induced-charge electro-osmotic  (ICEO) flow around the particle. The importance of the RC time for charging the  double layer is highlighted. Experimental measurements of the AC electrokinetic  behaviour of conducting particles (dielectrophoresis, electro-rotation and  electro-orientation) are compared with theory, providing a comprehensive review  of the relative importance of particle motion due to forces on the induced  dipole compared with motion arising from induced-charge electro-osmotic flow. In  addition, the electricfield driven assembly of conducting particles is reviewed  in relation to their AC electrokinetic properties and behaviour.

报告时间:2018417日,1000  - 11:30

报告题目:Non-linear  dynamics of a charged bouncing ball


主要内容:This  presenetaion is devoted to a theoretical and experimental study of the dynamics  of a bouncing ball driven by an electric force. The experimental model consists  of a metallic ball immersed in a poorly conducting liquid between two horizontal  electrodes. The ball bounces upon the lower electrode as a high voltage is  applied between the two plates. The measurement of the time between successive  impacts produces a time series, which depends on two control parameters, the  amplitude and the frequency of the applied voltage. A theoretical model is  proposed, which provides a discrete nonlinear map, and discussed in comparison  with the experimental results. It is shown that the system exhibits a period  doubling route to chaos and a non-Feigenbaum universal scaling at the onset of  chaos. Chaotic motion is investigated using the usual tools: Lyapunov exponents,  correlation dimensions and entropies. Fractal structure of the chaotic attractor  is also brought to evidence in experimental time series as well as in numerical  simulations.

报告时间:2018419日,9:30  - 11:00

报告题目:Introduction  to University of Seville and Some research topics at the group of  EHD-CGM


主要内容:介绍塞维利亚大学的基本情况以及该校电流体动力学和粘性颗粒介质研究组(Group  of Electrohydrodynamics and Cohesive Granular Media)的近些年的主要研究方向和重要成果。塞维利亚大学 EHD  & CGM研究组是目前世界上规模最大且水平领先的电流体动力学研究团队,专职研究人员20余人。

讲座专家:Antonio  RAMOS教授,目前担任西班牙塞维利亚大学电子与电磁系正教授,电流体动力学和粘性颗粒介质研究组共同负责人。他是电流体动力学和动电学领域世界知名学者。迄今,已发表80余篇杂志论文,50余篇会议论文,4书本章节,1本专著。论文引用总数为6690次,H指数为31。他的两篇论文入选《Journal  of Physics D: Applied Physics》杂志最有影响力论文。1998年,他首次提出微系统的交流渗电理论,产生极大影响

讲座专家:Alberto  T. Pérez教授,目前担任西班牙塞维利亚大学电磁场工程系副主任。他有超过30年的教学经验4次荣获塞维利亚大学最佳教学奖。Alberto教授的主要研究领域包括液体和悬浮液电流体动力学、粘性颗粒材料、磁悬浮等。迄今,他已在知名SCI杂志上发表论文50余篇。另外,Alberto教授是西班牙知名的科普作家,已经出版6本物理相关的畅销科普书。