卡内基梅隆大学Professor S. C. Yao来访讲座通知


    受学校国际项目管理中心资助,应5822yh银河国际帅永教授邀请,美国卡内基梅隆大学机械工程系Professor S. C. Yao将来公司进行交流访问,并将围绕电子设备热管理研究为公司师生带来精彩系列报告,欢迎全校师生参加。

报告人Professor S. C. Yao








    Professor Yao received his Ph.D. from U.C. Berkeley in 1974. He worked at Argonne National Lab for 3 years and joined Carnegie Mellon University in 1977. He also served as the Pao YuKang Chaired professor at the ZheJiang University in China since 2010. Prof. Yao has conducted research of multi-phase systems over 30 years. He performed research on film boiling, boiling in narrow gaps and tube bundles, sprays in metallurgical processes and for cooling of electronics etc. Recently he has focused on MEMS micro thermal fluids for electronics cooling and micro fuel cell applications.

    Dr. Yao is a FELLOW of the ASME and served as the chairman of Fire and Combustion Committee and the Long Range Planning Committee previously. He has organized various national and international conferences. He has also served twice as the interim Head at the Mechanical Engineering Dept. of CMU.


    More than half of the failures of electronics come from thermal over-heating because the failure rate increases exponentially with temperature. Therefore, thermal management is a major focus in electronics industry especially in aero, space, automotive and military electronics due to their severe thermal environment, and in network, and process-control industries due to the needs of high reliability.

   In the low-power electronic systems, heat conduction and air cooling are commonly utilized, and thermal software is integrated in the electronic design software. At higher power dissipation rate, liquid cooling is used to deliver the heat to a remote location for disposal. Micro-channel heat sink is frequently used, and advanced design methods are established. When the liquid cooling is insufficient, phase change processes such as the boiling or spay cooling are utilized that the heat transfer capability is significantly improved and the needed fluid flow is much reduced. The newest Cray supercomputer is the first commercial electronics utilizing spray cooling, which was first proposed by the author in 1988. Recently the micro-scale cooling devices are explored to provide localize cooling in electronics. In this presentation, the various types of the thermal management studies at CMU will be reviewed and discussed.